Package search

Class AStarFrontierSearcher<State,​Node extends SearchTreeNode<Node,​State> & KnowsOwnCost,​Frontier extends Frontiers.PriorityQueue<Node>>

Type Parameters:
State - Type representing elements of the search space.
Node - Type representing nodes in the search tree. Each node typically contains a reference to a State element.
Frontier - Type representing the (entire) search frontier (open set).
Direct Known Subclasses:
AStarFrontierSearcher.PathNodes, AStarFrontierSearcher.SimpleNodes, AStarSearcher

public class AStarFrontierSearcher<State,​Node extends SearchTreeNode<Node,​State> & KnowsOwnCost,​Frontier extends Frontiers.PriorityQueue<Node>>
extends PriorityQueueSearcher<State,​Node,​Frontier>
Extension of PriorityQueueSearcher with A*'s prioritization formula f(n) = g(n)+h(n), still leaving the exact structure of the frontier as a configurable option.