To write legible answers you will need to be familiar with both Markdown and Latex
Before you turn this problem in, make sure everything runs as expected. To do so, restart the kernel and run all cells (in the menubar, select Runtime→→Restart and run all).
Whenever you are asked to find the solution to a problem, be sure to also show how you arrived at your answer.
[1] Different color plots plotly
[2] Plotting surfaces with plotly
[3] Plotting scatter plots with plotly
[4] Color scales
%matplotlib inline
NAME = ""
In many optimization problems, the path to the goal is irrelevant; the goal state itself is the solution. Local search is widely used for problems with very large search spaces, the solutions returned are good but usually not optimal or the best. Local search algorithms keep a single "current" state or a small set of states and iteratively try to improve on them. These makes this class of algorithms usually very memory efficient.
In this problem we explore the Ackley function, a non-convex function typically used as a test for optimization algorithms.
The Ackley function has many local optima but only one global optimum that is $f(0,0) = 0$. Interestingly enough it might not be that easy to find this solution.
The Ackley function is defined as:
$$f(x,y):= -20exp[-0.2\sqrt{0.5(x^2 + y^2)}] -exp[0.5(cos(2\pi x) + cos(2\pi y))] + e + 20$$The figure below illustrates the result of running three optimization methods on the Ackley Function. These solutions were found using methods unknown methods A, B and C.
In this question, you will implement three optimization algorithms:
step using the provided create_ackley_figure()
function. Please see the image above for an example of an image that should be included in your submission.
import numpy as np
from numpy import arange
from numpy import exp
from numpy import sqrt
from numpy import cos
from numpy import e
from numpy import pi
from numpy import meshgrid
from numpy.random import randn
from numpy.random import rand
from numpy.random import seed
from numpy import asarray
import plotly.graph_objects as go
# ackley objective function
def f(x, y):
return -20.0 * exp(-0.2 * sqrt(0.5 * (x**2 + y**2))) - exp(0.5 * (cos(2 * pi * x) + cos(2 * pi * y))) + e + 20
def create_ackley_figure(solution_points=np.array([]), soln_names=['A','B,','C']):
:param solution_points A numpy array of dimensions [i, n, 2]
where i is the number of solution points you want to plot and n is the
number of steps used in estimating your solution. In each case use the same
number of steps if you want to plot all solutions on the same figure.
:return An interactive Ackley function figure with/without solution points.
# define range for input
r_min, r_max = -5.0, 5.0
# sample input range uniformly at 0.1 increments
xaxis = arange(r_min, r_max, 0.1) # (100,)
yaxis = arange(r_min, r_max, 0.1) # (100,)
# create a mesh from the axis
x, y = meshgrid(xaxis, yaxis)
# compute targets
results = f(x, y)
figure = go.Figure(data=[go.Surface(z=results, x=x, y=y,colorscale='deep',showscale=False)])
figure.update_layout(title='Ackley Function', autosize=False,
width=500, height=500,
margin=dict(l=65, r=50, b=65, t=90))
if solution_points.size:
soln_colors = ['Reds', 'Rainbow', 'Viridis']
for i in range(len(solution_points)):
x_sln = solution_points[i][:,0]
y_sln = solution_points[i][:,1]
zdata = f(x_sln, y_sln)
figure.add_scatter3d(name=soln_names[i], x=x_sln, y=y_sln, z=zdata, mode='markers',
marker=dict(size=1, color=x_sln.flatten(), colorscale=soln_colors[i]))
return figure
### RUN THIS ###
This is the Ackley Function.
ack_figure = create_ackley_figure()
# objective function
def objective(v):
This function defines the Ackley surface, it has a minimum of 0. This
can be used to test if we have found points that yield the minimum value.
:param v, a tuple representing a 2D point being tested.
returns a value in the range [-5.0, 5.0]
x, y = v
return -20.0 * exp(-0.2 * sqrt(0.5 * (x**2 + y**2))) - exp(0.5 * (cos(2 * pi * x) + cos(2 * pi * y))) + e + 20
# check if a point is within the bounds of the search
def in_bounds(point, bounds=asarray([[-5.0, 5.0], [-5.0, 5.0]])):
It is possible our optimzation method could move us outside of our search
space, so it is helpful to check.
:param point a tuple representing a 2D point
:param a 2D array, that describes the bounds of each dimension of our point.
returns a Boolean of whether the point lies in the bounds or not.
# enumerate all dimensions of the point
for d in range(len(bounds)):
# check if out of bounds for this dimension
if point[d] < bounds[d, 0] or point[d] > bounds[d, 1]:
return False
return True
# stochastic hill climbing with restarts algorithm
def stochastic_hillclimbing(objective, bounds, n_iterations, step_size, start_pt):
:param objective, the function we are trying to optimize
:param bounds, the boundaries of the problem
:param n_iterations number of times to repeat stochastic hill climbing
:param step_size how much we should move
:param start_pt the point we start optimizing from.
returns [solution, solution_value, candidates]
def random_restarts(objective, bounds, n_iter, step_size, n_restarts):
:param objective, the function we are trying to optimize
:param bounds, the boundaries of the problem
:param n_iter number of times to repeat stochastic hill climbing
:param step_size how much we should move
:param n_restarts, the number of times we restart.
returns [best solution, best solution value, visited points]
return -1, -1, -1
# seed the pseudorandom number generator
# define range for input
bounds = asarray([[-5.0, 5.0], [-5.0, 5.0]])
# define the total iterations
n_iter = 1000
# define the maximum step size
step_size = 0.05
# total number of random restarts
n_restarts = 30
# perform the hill climbing search
best, score, shcr_candidates = random_restarts(objective, bounds, n_iter, step_size, n_restarts)
print('f(%s) = %f' % (best, score))
# An example of plotting solutions from 3 optimziation methods.
# all_method_candidates has shape [3, 1000, 2], the first dim is the number of solutions
# the second dim is the number of steps taken in each method.
shcr_candidates = np.random.rand(100,2) # EXAMPLE PURPOSES ONLY replace with your actual solution.
shcr_candidates = shcr_candidates.reshape(-1,2)
all_method_candidates = np.array([shcr_candidates])
ack_figure = create_ackley_figure(all_method_candidates)
def get_temperature_schedule(decayRate, temp, diff):
:param decayRate A float in range [0,1) used to decrease the temperature
:param temp Temperature
:param diff Difference between value of candidate solution and value of best solution so far.
# calculate temperature for current epoch
t = temp*decayRate
# calculate acceptance criterion
criterion = exp(-diff / t)
return criterion, t
# simulated annealing algorithm
def simulated_annealing(objective, bounds, n_iterations, step_size, temp):
:param objective, the function we are trying to optimize
:param bounds, the boundaries of the problem
:param n_iterations number of times to repeat stochastic hill climbing
:param step_size how much we should move
:param temp temperature for each epoch
returns [solution, solution_value, candidates]
return -1, -1, -1
# seed the pseudorandom number generator
# define range for input
bounds = asarray([[-5.0, 5.0], [-5.0, 5.0]])
# define the total iterations
n_iterations = 1000
# define the maximum step size
step_size = 0.1
# initial temperature
temp = 10
# perform the simulated annealing search
best, score, sa_candidates = simulated_annealing(objective, bounds, n_iterations, step_size, temp)
print('f(%s) = %f' % (best, score))
sa_candidates = np.random.rand(40,2)
sa_candidates = sa_candidates.reshape(-1,2)
all_method_candidates = np.array([shcr_candidates,sa_candidates])
ack_figure = create_ackley_figure(all_method_candidates)
# generate the neighbors based on step size
def generate_neighbors(point, step_size=0.1):
point = point.reshape(-1,1)
possible_steps = possible_steps = np.array([[step_size*i for i in range(-10,11)],
[step_size*i for i in range(-10,11)]])
neighbors = point + possible_steps
return neighbors
def local_beam_search(objective, bounds, step_size, k, n_iterations):
:param objective, the function we are trying to optimize
:param bounds, the boundaries of the problem
:param k, how many candidates to consider
:param n_iterations, how long to search for.
returns [solution, solution_value, candidates]
return -1, -1, -1
# seed the pseudorandom number generator
# define range for input
bounds = asarray([[-5.0, 5.0], [-5.0, 5.0]])
# define the total iterations
n_iterations = 10
# define the maximum step size
step_size = 0.1
# candidates to consider
k = 1
# perform the local beam search
sequences = local_beam_search(objective, bounds, step_size, k, n_iterations)
def f(x, y): <your code here>
.def schr_best(x, y):
def sa_best(x, y):
def lbs_best(x, y):
Describe how you constructed each function and your hypothesis as to why they lead to the relative behaviors of the optimization methods.