I need to determine the KL-divergence between two Gaussians. I am comparing my results to these, but I can't reproduce their result. My result is obviously wrong, because the KL is not 0 for KL(p, p).

I wonder where I am doing a mistake and ask if anyone can spot it.

Let p(x)=N(μ1,σ1) and q(x)=N(μ2,σ2). From Bishop's PRML I know that


where integration is done over all real line, and that


so I restrict myself to p(x)logq(x)dx, which I can write out as


which can be separated into


Taking the log I get


where I separate the sums and get σ22 out of the integral.


Letting denote the expectation operator under p, I can rewrite this as


We know that var(x)=x2x2. Thus


and therefore


which I can put as


Putting everything together, I get to

Which is wrong since it equals 1 for two identical Gaussians.

Can anyone spot my error?


Thanks to mpiktas for clearing things up. The correct answer is:


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  • sorry for posting the incorrect answer in the first place. I just looked at xμ1 and immediately thought that the integral is zero. The point that it was squared completely missed my mind :) – mpiktas Feb 21 '11 at 12:02
  • what about the multi variate case? – user7001 Oct 23 '11 at 0:49
  • I have just seen in a research paper that kld should be $KL(p, q) = ½ * ((μ₁-μ₂)² + σ₁²+σ₂²) * ( (1/σ₁²) + (1/σ₂²) ) - 2 – skyde Aug 1 '13 at 14:26
  • 1
    I think there is a typo in your question, since I cannot validate it and it also seems that you used the correct version later in your question:
    I think it should be (note the minus):
    I tried to edit your question and got banned for it, so maybe do it yourself.
    – y-spreen Jan 25 '18 at 13:49
  • The answer is also in my 1996 paper on Intrinsic losses. – Xi'an Mar 29 '18 at 20:27

OK, my bad. The error is in the last equation:


Note the missing 12. The last line becomes zero when μ1=μ2 and σ1=σ2.

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  • @mpiktas I meant the question really - bayerj Is a well published researcher and I'm an undergrad. Nice to see that even the smart guys fall back to asking on the internet sometimes :) – N. McA. Apr 5 '16 at 10:19
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    is p μ1σ1 or μ2σ2 – Kong Jan 20 '18 at 23:41

I did not have a look at your calculation but here is mine with a lot of details. Suppose p is the density of a normal random variable with mean μ1 and variance σ12, and that q is the density of a normal random variable with mean μ2 and variance σ22. The Kullback-Leibler distance from q to p is:


=[12log(2π)log(σ1)12(xμ1σ1)2+12log(2π)+log(σ2)+12(xμ2σ2)2] ×12πσ1exp[12(xμ1σ1)2]dx

={log(σ2σ1)+12[(xμ2σ2)2(xμ1σ1)2]} ×12πσ1exp[12(xμ1σ1)2]dx




(Now note that (Xμ2)2=(Xμ1+μ1μ2)2=(Xμ1)2+2(Xμ1)(μ1μ2)+(μ1μ2)2)



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