Data collection for IS Lab 2

Here is where you can enter data for walks that you have taken around town. Can be any distance, as long as it is (more or less) accurately timed and recorded. Node IDs come from OpenStreetMap, use the map query function (the "?" button on the right side of the map window) to find the ID for the start and end of your walk and any necessary intermediate points. You may find it easier to start and end your timing at intersections rather than nodes along a block.

For best results (presumably), we would like data for a wide cross-section of walks. Thus, for each walk you record, you will get 1 walk point if that walk (start/via/end) has been recorded three times or fewer, and 1/4 walk point otherwise. You will need to obtain 10 walk points for full credit on Lab 2, and will be able to obtain some bonus points if you exceed that number.

New details (April 2):

Two of your submitted walks should cover at least 0.5 km or 10 minutes each. For bonus points on lab 2, each additional unique walk of greater than 0.5 km or 10 min will be worth 1 point, and each shorter walk of at least 1 minute or 0.2 km worth 1/4 point, up to a maximum of 5 points total. Get out there and have a pleasant Easter weekend!

Final walk tallies will be computed on Monday, April 13.

Enter the details of your walk here:

Note: no checking for valid node IDs done here, please be careful.

Start node:
Intermediate nodes
(if any, comma-separated):
Final node:
Walking alone? Yes No